
Nature's Voice in RoN (Rights of Nature): Co-Creating with the Natural World through Intuitive Interspecies Communication and the HEART Method

Nature's Voice in RoN (Rights of Nature): Co-Creating with the Natural World through Intuitive Interspecies Communication and the HEART Method

Intuitive Interspecies Communication (ICC) is an innate ability shared by all living beings that facilitates communication and cooperation with Nature. This skill can be learned or re-learned, fostering a multisectoral approach where humans and Nature can collaborate and co-create. IIC is gaining recognition as a transformative method in various fields, including animal welfare, wildlife conservation, and biodiversity protection.

The HEART method builds on over 20 years of IIC experience. Developed by Wynter Worsthorne, it combines IIC with positive transformation tools for co-creation with Mother Nature’s guidance.

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21 for the AfterGlow

After the Sparkling Conversation, join us for the AfterGlow Zoom Room of for an interactive discussion with the panelists. Just like in Humanity Rising and the AfterChat, this is a great opportunity to connect and engage further.

Sparkling Conversations and AfterGlow are both free to attend. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative dialogue and help shape a more peaceful and just world!

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Sparkling Conversations

Sparkling Conversations

Welcome to Earthstock’s EcoSpiritual Summit's Sparkling Conversations series moderated by Shannon McArthur. I will be joining esteemed panelists Erica Kay-Webster, Kenneth (Ken) Cohen, and Jan Bryars, to discuss 'Getting Along with Others.' Our conversation will be inspired by the Summit's theme of the day: Peace, Justice & Economics.

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