IIC Advocacy

“There is a hue and cry for human rights, they said, for all people, and the Indigenous people said: What of the rights of the natural world? Where is the seat for the buffalo or the eagle? Who is representing them at this forum? Who is speaking for the water of the earth? Who is speaking for the trees and the forests? Who is speaking for the fish -- for the whales, for the beavers, for our children?”

— Chief Oren Lyons Jr., Faithkeeper of the Onondaga tribe of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Nation

Inclusion and representation matter.

Within traditional advocacy and legal matters, a disconnect remains between human actions and consultation with the natural world. Without a common spoken language, Nature — the key stakeholder and expert in the needs of Nature — is frequently overlooked. How do we represent and include Nature if we don’t know how to communicate with Nature?

IIC support us to work for Nature, with Nature.

IIC Advocacy for and with Nature

Ubiquity University has partnered with Animaltalk Africa to introduce graduate degrees in Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC).

In celebration of this announcement, my colleague Wynter Worsthorne, the founder of Animaltalk Africa, convened a series of IIC speakers on Ubiquity University's Humanity Rising platform. I was honoured to be invited to speak about IIC Advocacy for and with Nature

The entire series Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) – The Language of the Universe,  which aired live in May 2024, is available to watch for free on Ubiquity University's YouTube channel.