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Nature's Voice in RoN (Rights of Nature): Co-Creating with the Natural World through Intuitive Interspecies Communication and the HEART Method

This free event, hosted by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) Youth Hub, is open to all GARN members. You can join this global alliance by signing up here: and can choose which Hub(s) to sign up for.

Existing and new GARN members—register for the webinar Zoom link here:

Grounded in the wisdom of ancient and Indigenous cultures, and using the power of modern law, the Rights of Nature movement seeks to maintain a balanced relationship between humankind and every form of life. The Youth Hub of The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) is a global network by youth and for youth, intending to connect and empower young people around the world to become ambassadors of the Rights of Nature movement and advocate successfully on behalf of the Rights of Nature and future generations. A core strategy for GARN is to support and spread the emerging new worldview that recognises our human interconnectedness with the greater Earth community and the right of all members to exist and thrive.

The question of how to truly listen to the voice of Nature has proven challenging in the existing paradigm. While the Rights of Nature (RoN) movement has been growing since the early 1970’s, there remains a disconnect between human actions and the consultation of the natural world within traditional advocacy and legal matters. Without a common spoken language, Nature — the key stakeholder— is frequently overlooked. How do we represent and include Nature and Nature’s rights if we don’t know how to communicate with Nature? There is another way: Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) and the HEART method support us to work together with Nature and honour Nature’s voice.

IIC is an innate capacity shared by all animals, including humans, which facilitates interspecies understanding and cooperation with Nature and other animals. IIC is a skill that can be learned (or more accurately re-learned) by humans. Globally, IIC is gaining academic and scientific recognition as a transformative method. IIC fosters a multisectoral approach, empowering humans and Nature to communicate, consult, collaborate and co-create. This inclusive approach is gaining traction, with more individuals and organizations integrating IIC into animal advocacy, welfare, wildlife and Nature biodiversity and conservation.

The HEART (Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation) method has been developed by Wynter Worsthorne, combining her knowledge from over 20 years experience of interspecies communication, with the tools of positive transformation through co-creation with the guidance of Mother Nature.

Join internationally respected interspecies communicators Christine Noble Seller of Interspecies Voices, Eleni Gkikakis of Interspecies Peace, and Wynter Worsthorne of Animaltalk Africa for this introductory, experiential 90 minute webinar about IIC and the HEART method. Learn about initiatives and projects that are giving voice to the natural world and creating positive transformation with the guidance of Nature. Join us to learn how to co-create a more inclusive legal system for and with Nature.

August 21 for the AfterGlow