Advocating for Nature, with Nature, through Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC)

When we communicate with Nature, Nature responds.

Intuitive interspecies communication (IIC) is an innate capacity shared by all animals, including humans, which facilitates interspecies understanding and cooperation with Nature and other animals. IIC is an ancient skill that can be learned by humans or more accurately re-learned.

Globally, IIC is gaining academic and scientific recognition as a transformative method with more more individuals and organizations learning about and working with IIC.


Interspecies Voices empowers individuals, groups, and organizations to communicate, consult, collaborate with non-human animals, wildlife and Nature through Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC): co-creating mutually beneficial and transformative solutions.


Every voice in the Natural World is heard — represented, recognized, and honoured — supporting respectful and peaceful co-existence everywhere.

Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) aligns us with Nature, deepens our understanding, fostering respectful connection, communication and collaboration with all Life... to co-create a better world... for all Beings.

Orca pod swimming in Ocean


  • Advocacy

    IIC Advocacy for animal/ wildlife rights and welfare, conservation and the Rights of Nature, (legal, policy, societal change).

  • Education

    Raising awareness of IIC and its benefits through public speaking, events, and bespoke training for organizations.

  • Facilitation

    We offer and facilitate online IIC consultations for ethical animal, wildlife, and Nature organizations and projects.

  • Sacred Activism

    Interspecies Voices is a collaborator and leader in global IIC projects in service to Nature, with Nature.

  • Contact Us

    Reach out to discuss your needs. Discover what is possible through IIC collaboration and co-creation with the natural world.

Christine Noble Seller is a leading International Animal Communicator Advocate based in Canada. She has worked as a professional Intuitive Interspecies Communicator and Advocate since 2014, raising awareness and fostering understanding of Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC).

Christine is passionate about IIC advocacy for animal rights and welfare, wildlife conservation, and the Rights of Nature.

In 2024, Christine founded Interspecies Voices to encourage a shift from the traditional practice of humans speaking on behalf of animals and Nature, to a best-practice collaborative approach that engages directly with these key stakeholders through IIC.


Beneficiaries, Collaborators and Supporters